One of my big keys to a good network marketing business is knowing that I have a product line that would sell to the general public. If you can't get anyone to buy your product at retail then do you really have a business?
Many network marketing companies sell products that for the most part are way over priced and could not sell in any other retail environment. These companies will tell you that they are passing on the savings from not advertising to the distributor in the form of bonuses and yet they price the product at 20-50% higher than other comperable products in the retail stores.
I can hear the die-hards saying, "But you don't understand the products we sell are of such high quality that they have to cost more. Besides, if someone wanted to buy them at a discount they could just become a "preferred customer" or wholesale distributor and get the products for the same price I do!" That sounds good in theory, however how many retail businesses could stay in business if they sold everything to their customers at the same price they paid for it? You see, if your product can't be sold at a fair price for a fair profit then what you have is a buying club, not a legitimate business.
So ... if you are looking for a business with integrity, you should be looking for one that has an in demand product that does what it is supposed to do and that is fairly priced so that you can really sell it for a retail profit. Not everyone in the world wants to be a distributor and would much rather just be a customer that knows they are buying a good product at a good price.
Don't forget that integrity is an internal matter of the heart before it becomes a way of doing business! Live with integrity and you will be rewarded for it.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
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