Training your downline. What does that take? How much time should you spend training your downline members? Shouldn't they have the motivation to learn on their own?
When you deal with taking on the responsibilities of making sure your downline has all the opportunities necessary to be successful in his/her business, you make upline leaders quake in their boots. We are all told that we are getting into network marketing so that we can make lots of money with an automated system that means you don't have to work again. The problem with this kind of sponsoring is that no one really learns enough to be really successful. Just successful enough to stay in but not succeessful enough to reach the mountain top. Oh, there are those rare ones who make it because of their own skills and tenacity but the greatest number just drift from year to year and company to company. This is, in my opinion, the dark underbelly of network marketing.
A networker who is working with integrity knows that he has a responsibility to those he brings into their organization. Their success is, at least at the beginning, the responsibility of the sponsor. The sponsor is the one who knows what the answers are or at least where to find them. The sponsor is the motivator, the mentor, the leader, and the principle trainer for his/her downline. If someone is just sponsoring and not helping those they sponsor, they are doing those sponsored, their company, and themselves a huge diservice.
Integrity demands more of the sponsor. It demands that one only sponsor those they have time to train. It demands that until a new distributor is on his feet the sponsor has a responsibility to continue to train and work with him/her. To turn your back on someone you promised to help is a lack of integrity.
Building a solid business with integrity is simple but it is not easy. Do you have what it takes to set aside quick profits for long term success? You can only do it if you have integrity.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
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