Sunday, June 8, 2008

Waking Up the Leader in You

As we talk about building a network marketing business with integrity one thing has to be in place before you can really make a difference for your team. You have to develop your leadership skills.

Leadership skills in a network marketing organization will take that organization into pretty rarified air. More than sponsoring skills, more than marketing skills, more than sales skills, leadership skills make any distributor organization more stable and more profitable. Handling the questions, issues, and yes even the problems of your distributors will instantly place you in a position that is different than the vast majority of organization leaders.

Now before I get jumped by leaders who think that if they sponsor enough people that the "cream will rise to the top," let me say one thing. If you sponsor them you are responsible for them. If you don't do everything in your power to train all your personally sponsored distributors, you are acting outside the definition of integrity.

I know that this goes contrary to what the "gurus" teach, but that doesn't make the idea wrong. Think about it with me. Do you want to be the kind of leader who leaves more "dead bodies" in your wake than strong leaders in your organization? And what do you say to those slow starters who never make it, not because they don't have the skills, but because you were too busy sponsoring to train those you sponsored to lead their new groups.

Every organization must have a balance between bringing new people on board and bringing those you bring on board up to speed. Think about this from the aspect of integrity and I think you will agree with me!


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